A group of physicians in Canada examined a national database of more than 58,000 hip and knee replacement surgeries and published their results in The Journal of Arthroplasty. Brad Tritle reports that infection was the most common reason for revision knee surgery in the year following surgery, and that diabetic patients had a higher rate of readmission for infection.

Researchers show how bending implantable medical devices can lead to bacterial growth

Researchers show how bending implantable medical...

New approach may give new life to old antibiotic

Medical News Today recently featured a study...

COVID-19 may promote the spread of drug-resistant ‘superfungus’

Medical News Today recently reported on an...


INTRODUCCIÓNEl estrés oxidativo y las ROS...

Global antibiotic consumption rates have increased by 46 percent since 2000

According to a new study recently shared by...

¿Qué es la osteomielitis?

El Dr. Pablo S. Corona (Unidad de Patología...

Still not enough antibiotics in the works to fight superbugs, WHO says

In a new report shared by Becker’s Hospital...

Infección articular periprotésica
