More than 80 pharmaceutical companies have called on governments to develop new ways of paying them to develop antibiotics. With drug-resistant microbes predicted to kill 10 million people a year by 2050 and cost $100 trillion in lost economic output, Redx Pharm chief executive said “there is a doomsday clock ticking, with the effectiveness of antibiotics diminishing at an alarming rate, new ways must be found to support innovation and drug discovery in this critical area”.

Hospital acquired drug resistant infections, deaths rose 15% from 2019-20: CDC

Hospital-acquired drug-resistant infections,...

New treatment for drug-resistant bacterial infections

ScienceDaily has recently reported on a study by...

New ultrafast method for determining antibiotic resistance

Researchers at Uppsala University have developed...

Global antibiotic consumption rates have increased by 46 percent since 2000

According to a new study recently shared by...

Los médicos tardan en usar antibióticos nuevos y efectivos contra las superbacterias.

Los médicos tardan en usar antibióticos nuevos y...

Principal causes for hospital readmission identified

A group of physicians in Canada examined a...


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