WHO launches first ever global report on infection prevention and control A new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) found that 70% of infections can be prevented in healthcare facilities following good hand hygiene and other cost-effective practices. The...
COVID-19 may have led to a spike in antibiotic resistance A new analysis shared by Medical News Today suggests that hospital-acquired, antibiotic-resistant infections increased in the United States during the COVID-19 pandemic. The spike in resistance was especially...
National Diabetes Foot Care Report The National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network (NCVIN) has recently published a report highlighting the latest information on UK diabetes-related foot care. Taking a population health perspective, the report includes analysis...
Engineered bacteria could help protect ‘good’ gut microbes from antibiotics According to Medical Xpress, antibiotics are life-saving drugs that can also harm the beneficial microbes that live in the gut, leaving patients “at risk of developing inflammation or...
Why Canada hasn’t been getting the new antibiotics we need to fight drug-resistant ‘superbugs’ According to Medical Xpress, more than a quarter of infections in Canada fail to respond to standard antibiotics due to antimicrobial resistance (AMR). And...
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