To fight surgical superbugs, WHO recommends new guidelines
The World Health Organization (WHO) stated that patients going for surgery should bathe or shower beforehand but their surgical site should not be shaved, and antibiotics should be used to prevent infections before and during surgery, but not afterwards. Surgical site...
YouTube LIVE SIMPOSIO INTERNACIONAL Martes 10 de Noviembre, 2020 México | 17:00 – 18:00 (CMT) Regístrese aquí Regístrese aquí Suscribete y recibe en tu correo noticias relevantes y ofertas especiales de nuestros productos YOUTUBE LIVE “SIMPOSIO...
Interview with Drs. Sherry Glied and Mark Pauly on what U.S. health policy could look like in the coming years under a Biden or a Trump administration.
Sherry Glied is dean of the New York University Wagner Graduate School of Public Service. Mark Pauly is a professor of health care management at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Stephen Morrissey, the interviewer, is the Executive Managing Editor...
Surgery and scan backlogs set to worsen without government funding, CMA says
As the world enters the second wave of COVID-19, CBC News has reported on the growing strain faced by the Canadian healthcare system to address surgery and scan backlogs. The Canadian Medical Association, CMA, has found in a study that the average wait times for the...
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