El Dr. Fernando L. Sanchez nos comparte su experiencia con el uso de STIMULAN en infecciones musculoesqueléticas.

Los injertos óseos como instrumentos para regenerar las fracturas tibiales

Los injertos óseos son una solución innovadora a...

Lessons learned in COVID-19: New guidance for antibiotic use in a pandemic

Lessons learned in COVID-19: New guidance for...

Treating COVID-19: Are we overusing antimicrobials?

Medical News Today recently reported on a study...

Johns Hopkins study shows drones can safely transport large bags of blood

Researchers from Baltimore-based Johns Hopkins...

‘Anti-antibiotic’ allows for use of antibiotics without driving resistance

ScienceDaily recently reported on the promising...

New approach may give new life to old antibiotic

Medical News Today recently featured a study...

Limb salvage talectomy for 3C Gustilo–Anderson fracture

Lim salvage talectomy for...